
The welfare of Burmese cats is of vital importance to all members of the Association and we aim to provide practical advice, guidance and support whenever there is a problem, however large or small.

So please Contact Us if you need help.

If you want to discuss problems with your cat’s health or behaviour we can offer advice and practical suggestions based on many years of welfare experience.

Should your circumstances change and you can no longer keep your Burmese, for whatever reason, we can provide support and assistance through our rehoming service. When the need is urgent, we may also be able to provide temporary accommodation until the right new home is found.

If you have lost or found a Burmese these is an excellent checklist of practical things to do on the Catchat Website and, if you need furher help, please contact our Welfare Officer. We may also be able to arrange care until a Burmese that has been found can be reunited with its owner.

We could not carry out effective welfare work without the voluntary involvement of our members who help with driving, accommodation and many other tasks. Welfare work can become very expensive when, for example, a rescue cat needs urgent veterinary attention. So if you can, please make a donation to Support Our Work through our Charitable Trust: no matter how small, it will be greatly appreciated.

Support Our Work

To enable us to provide the best care for Burmese cats who are less fortunate, why not make a donation to our Charitable Trust, the Burmese Cat Association Welfare Fund?

If you are a United Kingdom taxpayer, your donation can be made under GiftAid, increasing its value to the Welfare Fund by 25%.  For more information, please contact the Association’s Chairman.

To make your donation under GiftAid, please print, complete and return the GiftAid Declaration to the Association’s Chairman, either by Email or post.

If you would like to consider a legacy, please contact our Chairman.

The Burmese Cat Association Welfare Fund is approved as a Charitable Trust by HM Revenue and Customs, Reference Number XT35884.