Showing is a most enjoyable hobby and a way of making lots of new like-minded friends. Please remember, though, that whilst you may many win beautiful rosettes it is not going to make your fortune, even if you have got a top exhibit!
GCCF shows take place throughout the year, nearly always on Saturdays. A Cat Show Calendar can be found on the GCCF Website along with Links to help obtain the necessary schedules and entry forms.
Schedules are usually available 2 to 3 months prior to the show date and entries should be made by the closing date, generally 3 to 4 weeks before the show. Some shows may extend their closing dates so it may be worth checking with the Show Manager.
It’s a good idea to visit a local show before you make your first entry and to read the Show Rules and Regulations at the front of every schedule. Show Managers can help with any queries and some shows even provide a ‘buddy’ service for new exhibitors using an experienced club member as a guide.

For the show, your cat will need to be vaccinated, registered in your name with the GCCF, well groomed, free from parasites and in good health with its claws clipped the day before. All this will be checked by a vet on arrival. You will need to provide white show equipment, which can usually be purchased at the show: a litter tray, food and water bowls and blankets or vet bed. You will have to leave the show hall during the morning while the main classes are judged, returning after lunch while judging continues with miscellaneous classes.
Unlike the world of dog shows you can show cats and kittens that have been neutered and also pedigree cats described by their breeders as ‘pet quality’, not quite meeting the very high Standard of Points for the breed.