As with many things involving pedigree cats, breeding a litter of kittens will require time and expense and you may not even recover your costs. Breeding can though be very rewarding, be great fun and help you to make new friends who will share your interest in Burmese and keep in touch for years to come.

There will be much to learn but please don’t let this put you off. We hope that this section of our Website will provide a grounding in the knowledge you will need. For further information, we recommend an excellent book called The Book of the Cat which was edited by Michael Wright and Sally Walters and published by Pan Books under ISBN 0 330 26153 3. Unfortunately, the book has been out of print for several years but if you cannot beg, steal or borrow a copy they are sometimes available from Internet booksellers and your local library may be able to help.
Other breeders and the owner of the stud you choose are other valuable sources of advice and, of course, you can always Contact Us.